Japanese Studies HKU School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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Japanese Language
- BA Course
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Elective Course
JAPN3039 Japanese popular music and Hong Kong society 6 credits
This interdisciplinary content course examines the way in which Japanese popular music was integrated into the Hong Kong music scene in the 1980s, a time when Japanese popular music was at its most influential stage. To understand this phenomenon, the course will first take a look at the popular music scene in Japan in the 1970s and the 1980s. Then, it will give students opportunities to examine how socio-political developments in Hong Kong shaped the local popular music industry and influenced the selection, import, and distribution of Japanese popular music in the territory. Lastly, students will analyze the transitional processes of how Japanese popular music has been accepted by consumers in Hong Kong from the 1990s to the present. In so doing, the course investigates the transnational/ transcultural consumption in the contemporary popular music scene in both Hong Kong and Japan.
Co-requisite: JAPN4088. Japanese language IV (Part 1) or JAPN4099. Japanese language IV (Part2): Capstone experience or JAPN3088. Japanese language III (Part 1) or JAPN3099. Japanese language III (Part2). Enrolment in this course involves a selection process and requires the lecturer’s approval
Assessment: 100% coursework (quiz, test and essay)
(Not on offer in 2020/2021)

Japanese Studies HKU