Since the last decade, both the animated films produced by the Japanese and the American have attracted millions of audiences from all around the world. In order to explore why the Japanese and American animated films can be so popular, instead of examining the filmic elements of the animated film - characters, storylines, techniques, and so on - that apparently presented on the screen, this paper will look into the production procedures of the animated film in Japan and America, which involve respective relationships between the creativity of individual filmmakers and the cooperation among different departments of the studios/companies. By studying how the filmmakers design, produce and promote this popular cultural product behind the screen within two different nations, I will explicate how the hidden ideologies that conduct the behaviors of the filmmakers relate to the cultural and social environment of Japan and America. This research will be mainly based on the data collected in the fieldwork, which is planned to be conducted in Japanese and American animation studios/companies.
* All students taking the Research Colloquium course must attend. Other staff and students are also welcome. |